Thursday, December 2, 2021

SLIS 761 Blog Post #10: My Biggest Takeaway

During my journey through the SLIS program at the University of South Carolina, I have taken courses that I loved and courses I was relieved to finish in one piece. Each one, though, has stretched me and grown my professional knowledge.  SLIS 761, like the others, has helped prepare me for the work ahead and it qualifies as one of my better loved courses. 

One of the overall aspects of the SLIS program that I truly appreciate is how much care and intention has obviously gone into the design of each assignment.  It became apparent to me very early in the program that each assignment is meant to be a true reflection of what real-world librarianship will require from us. So, to name my biggest take-away from SLIS 761, I would have to point to our biggest real-world assignment and what I learned in the process of completing it, the website!

This semester, the work of many awesome librarians has been set before us as an example.  Perusing the websites of these super stars, I am both impressed and intimidated by their amazing design and content. I suppose I initially imagined these brilliant librarians creating a perfect product in one fell swoop. Now, after having experienced the effort and tremendous amount of time involved in piecing together a website, my logic tells me that notion is a fantasy.

Working on the website assignment helped me to conclude this semester with more confidence than what I started with.  My website is far from perfect. I’ve no doubt it will be put to shame by the work of my talented classmates.  But that’s ok.  Because I know now that my website is a work in progress, as am I.  Each edit will result in improvement by degrees as I learn through experience in my new profession.  I read a quote on the inside of a Dove chocolate wrapper today. It said, “Don’t stop until you’re proud” (author unknown). I think that is a fitting moto for the task of website building! With the help of my professors, I’ve accomplished more than I thought I could and, although I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished so far, I’m not done yet!

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SLIS 794 - Teacher Librarian Interview #4

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